Be the Change ...

We are here for a reason, not to rot in front of our TV and computer screens, on social media or at work. There is more.
Throughout centuries humanity has literally gone astray, lost direction, headed into a very destructive direction in the recent centuries.
We left responsibilities to our "leaders", and we now live here, complain, dissatisfied, continue destroying mother Earth and Her earthlings; animals and humans, nature.
It is about time and up to us to start change.

My belief is that we are here to change something on this planet, not to just live here and continue destroying her, nature and her earthlings, animals and humans.
We are here to nurture and guard Mother Earth. So let's live by that - stop globalism, fascism, monopolism, capitalism, speciesism... let's start to live in harmony with this planet's needs, which are also ours.
Start with yourself.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

To another capitalist Christmas

Money, money, money!
May business go well this season!
I cannot hear the commercials anymore, all the repeating Christmas songs, all the praise of the stuff that is the best to buy for the loved ones and who wraps them up most gloriously.
How much food we buy and prepare. Vomit or throw away. Or complain how we've gained weight over the holidays.
The feast of love!? It is the time of the year when more animals than ever are being killed and eaten. For love? o.O
Oh Lawd.... 
Spend well everybody!
Or just change the game, keep it simple, cook like for any other Sunday, make a symbolic small gift, join some humanitarian action or donate, and play board-games with the loved ones.
Make something good! =)

Artwork by #Banksy

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Well, good bye 2016

So, there were not many posts here this year.
But why not say a few words nevertheless now, at the end of it =) About Trump? No.
Elections? Nope.
About change? Yes. Be the change if you don't like it!

Today I was tagged on a post on FB speaking about activism and how to finance it. Having a job and being vocal isn't easy they said. I would say we have to start somewhere and see where it gets us, right? Elvis said "a little less conversation a little more action please". And he was right. Good ideas, a good team, and good planning can make our activism work. Hoping we can make a living from our activism is nice, and possible. But shouldn't be the goal.
Alice Walker said "Activism is my rent for living on the planet." and Gandhi said "Be the change you want to see". So the moment we realize that something is wrong with this world and feel the urge to change something, we simply start being vocal, speaking up, start to change our lives. The waves and ripples of our personal change move around, touch others and their thinking is influenced. It is the viral effect.
A group might and should form, you can't do this alone. Ideas will come up, goals will be set, activities will be planned, projects will form, and resources can be found in some way or another. Good activities and projects can find donations, grants or funds today, the internet offers so many contacts to foundations, individuals, government and EU funding, etc., well and then there is crowd funding, yard sales, cook-outs, etc.
Just go and try to create a project/product that deserves funding. And if you have questions - here is a comment section or we can talk in private about your ideas. I am happy to help.
Sorry for the inconvenience. We are trying to change the world. 

So what I am trying to say here?
Start building your house from the foundation (yourself), not from the first floor (financing projects). "The time for the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word struggle from you attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. We are the ones we've been waiting for." (Hopi) Yes, we don't even have to make up words - all has been said before. We only have to pick up the pieces and continue the work of the our predecessors. How? Start with yourself, be determined, team up, pick ONE goal, make a good plan - everything else will follow. I am not saying it s going to be easy. What I am saying is, that it can be done and you should not doubt yourself.

There are two kinds of folks standing in front of the mountain.
One just think how they are gonna climb it.
The other see all the obstacles that stop them from getting going.
Which one are you?

Be bold. Go for it. Be the change.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Well hello 2016!

So we left a 2015 with turbulent changes behind us. 
As a European I guess the refugee crisis is on top of the list of events from a political and economical point. Unrest, fear, so-called terror, militarisation of cities, endless willingness to help, social action, armchair activism and direct volunteering are only a few words that come to mind. 

We are torn between helping people, who have nowhere to be anymore, because their homes are attacked/destroyed, and hating them because they flow into our countries by the thousands. Arguments arise that these people are not refugees, they have new phones and good clothes, they have money. Stupid argument, if you ask me. If we watch how extremists destroy entire cities, we must understand that their possible stable income or at least pretty normal life did not prevent them from being under siege and made them run.With their new phones and good clothes.

European cities now overflow with people that have nowhere to go. New jobs thus are created to protect the borders, to handle bureaucracy, to take care of those refugees and the places they are placed. Lots of money is spent on that new-born system. And nobody knows where this will lead us. 

I heard a prediction that about 20 Million refugees will come to Europe in the coming time. Poor people, but also highly trained people. Recent figures from the U.N. and other aid organizations have shown that the majority of people arriving in Europe often come from upper middle class, well-educated backgrounds. Their children will enter our education system and form the next generation of Europeans. 

And then there is the famous "maybe there are terrorists among them" - as if those haven't been here before. Keeping refugees out will not stop terrorism yet letting them in will obviously stop them and their children from taking up arms.

So we cannot stop the refugee crisis, we cannot turn back time, not undo what happened until now, we can be against all this - but it will not change the fact that hundreds of thousands of people will keep coming to Europe. Instead of resisting and fearing this, we should accept this fact and try to find way to live with this new situation. It is not merely a crisis, it is a new situation.

Many of my school-mates in the 80s were refugees, from Iran, Lebanon, Vietnam even. There were my friends, I grew up with them. And today, they are just living their lives in our countries as we do.

So move aside a bit, make place, get your good will together. 

It's gonna be a bumpy ride this future - but it is happening. The world is changing.
Let's make the best of it.

Peace V

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Well hello sleepy world, this blog hasn't received any update for too long.
Lemme see if we can change that in the coming weeks :) 

Stay tuned.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Make a Difference

Happy 2014! Be the change - make a difference =)

It has been a while since I have posted to my blog. First I want to have a blog, then I post a few things, then I stop, neglect the blog and huh here I am again. Let's try it with some consistency now :)

Make a difference - this is my slogan to, be the change, don't be passive. I have followed the KarmaTube for a few years now, and I think they post exclusively great stuff. 
So let this video be the one I am going to re-launch this blog with. 

Happy Whatever to everyone =)

Watch it, think about it, share it, be the change and make a difference.

Peace out.

Monday, June 11, 2012

7 Lovely Logics ♥

I just came across this picture, and it makes a lot of sense =)

An Earth Religion?

An Earth Religion?
By Link (Anthony)

A Circle of people stand in the midst of a beautiful green field, tightly and joyously hand-in-hand. A small bonfire burns gently in the center of their Circle, sending its warmth and light all about. The Circle of people dance round the flame, singing and chanting their special songs, and paying honor to the Earth in this religious rite. Their Earth-based religion has taught them over the ages to respect and worship their world, and to love Her as something sacred.

Who are these Earth-worshipers? An ancient Druid grove, or a Native American tribe? A band of Aborigines in the South Pacific, or perhaps a Coven of modern-day urban Pagans? Over time many have practiced Earth-based religions, where our planet is revered as a Deity. The followers of today's Earth religions still hold a special reverence for Mother Earth, but often do not have that same personal contact with Her that their ancestors felt. We no longer listen to the wind to find our food; we don't speak to the clouds to ask for rain. While we still may love and worship the Earth, we've outgrown many of our dependencies, at least the everyday dependencies that have been replaced with modern-day conveniences. Where the Earth was once our Mother, a member of our immediate family, perhaps to some She is now more like a distant cousin.

This distance sometimes causes us to speak of the Earth in vague, macro terms. We worship what we call the Earth, but what exactly does "Earth" mean? Is your kitchen table part of the Earth? Does it have an Earth Spirit? And what about the food you eat at that table? Is your dinner part of the Earth too? Your favorite jewelry? Your copper plumbing? Your telephone wires? The answer here is obviously yes, but it's not always easy to bridge the gap between broad spiritual concepts and tangible everyday things. Ordinary things are sacred too and being ordinary makes them no less special. That same Earth essence living in the lush green forest also lives in all the simple objects we see and touch every day. So, perhaps you can find an aspect of the Earth on the streets you travel each day, even if those streets are filled with busy traffic. Perhaps you can find an aspect of the Earth within your home-town, your neighborhood, your home, your own bed. If you see a bit of the Earth's Spirit in all things around you, then you can revere and worship the Earth in a much more personal way, more face-to-face, more one-on-one.

Earth worshipers often hold special reverence for natural settings, the woods, the beach, the mountains. But are things made by humans any less Earthly? We too are part of the Earth, not something separate. We are linked to it, part of the same whole, and therefore so are the things we build. We make things because it is our nature to do so, like a forest makes trees and like trees make leaves. So, while you may discover the mysteries of nature by watching a river flow, you can also find a few lessons by watching a railroad. Can the hot and cold knobs of your faucet help you understand balance between opposites? Can pondering your electrical outlets give you new sources of energy? Can the telephone help you feel how all things link together? Can washing and waxing your floor teach you anything about cleansing and protecting yourself from negativity?

Perhaps "worship" is not always the right word for every situation. But you can certainly relate to and talk with every person, place and thing you encounter in a very special way! Have an old comfortable chair? When was the last time you told it just how much you appreciate it? Perhaps an "offering" of polish or oil for its wood would be greatly appreciated, like a back-rub for any hard-working friend! Do you have a special place where children love to play, like a park, a field, a sandbox, a porch? Try thanking this special piece of the Earth for the happiness it brings; ask it to continue providing its safe guardianship over our little loved ones. Even thanking your parking space counts. This does not include asking for a parking space when you need one, but saying thank you before you leave one. (There's a big difference between saying please -- and saying thank you!)

Not only can Earth worshipers narrow their focus to recognize ordinary things, but we can also widen it too. Earth is but one of several planets orbiting a single star. Do all the planets have Spirit the way the Earth does? Are they part of nature too? Some say that stones and boulders and rocks are alive. What greater boulder could you find than one of our planets? Does our Solar System, this Coven of planets orbiting the Sun, have some type of collective Spirit? (Can this help explain astrology?) Our star, like the small bonfire burning gently in the center of our Circle, sends its warmth and light all about. A Circle of planets dance round its flame, singing and chanting their special songs. But it is only an average star, one of many stars in an average galaxy, one of many galaxies within a very, very big universe.

So, if we are part of a vast universe, is my Earth religion somewhat self-centered? Maybe, maybe not. It depends on whether you recognize just how vast nature really is. It is only natural that we hold most dear our "immediate family" of the Earth. Hopefully, we still recognize that we are part of a much larger family, a community of all things, reaching out from across our kitchen table or across the galaxy, tightly and joyously hand-in-hand. In this way, worshipping the Earth becomes a key that unlocks our relationship to all things, whether vast or very small and simple.

Article by Link (Anthony)

Copyright held by (Link) Anthony