Be the Change ...

We are here for a reason, not to rot in front of our TV and computer screens, on social media or at work. There is more.
Throughout centuries humanity has literally gone astray, lost direction, headed into a very destructive direction in the recent centuries.
We left responsibilities to our "leaders", and we now live here, complain, dissatisfied, continue destroying mother Earth and Her earthlings; animals and humans, nature.
It is about time and up to us to start change.

My belief is that we are here to change something on this planet, not to just live here and continue destroying her, nature and her earthlings, animals and humans.
We are here to nurture and guard Mother Earth. So let's live by that - stop globalism, fascism, monopolism, capitalism, speciesism... let's start to live in harmony with this planet's needs, which are also ours.
Start with yourself.

Monday, June 11, 2012

7 Lovely Logics ♥

I just came across this picture, and it makes a lot of sense =)

An Earth Religion?

An Earth Religion?
By Link (Anthony)

A Circle of people stand in the midst of a beautiful green field, tightly and joyously hand-in-hand. A small bonfire burns gently in the center of their Circle, sending its warmth and light all about. The Circle of people dance round the flame, singing and chanting their special songs, and paying honor to the Earth in this religious rite. Their Earth-based religion has taught them over the ages to respect and worship their world, and to love Her as something sacred.

Who are these Earth-worshipers? An ancient Druid grove, or a Native American tribe? A band of Aborigines in the South Pacific, or perhaps a Coven of modern-day urban Pagans? Over time many have practiced Earth-based religions, where our planet is revered as a Deity. The followers of today's Earth religions still hold a special reverence for Mother Earth, but often do not have that same personal contact with Her that their ancestors felt. We no longer listen to the wind to find our food; we don't speak to the clouds to ask for rain. While we still may love and worship the Earth, we've outgrown many of our dependencies, at least the everyday dependencies that have been replaced with modern-day conveniences. Where the Earth was once our Mother, a member of our immediate family, perhaps to some She is now more like a distant cousin.

This distance sometimes causes us to speak of the Earth in vague, macro terms. We worship what we call the Earth, but what exactly does "Earth" mean? Is your kitchen table part of the Earth? Does it have an Earth Spirit? And what about the food you eat at that table? Is your dinner part of the Earth too? Your favorite jewelry? Your copper plumbing? Your telephone wires? The answer here is obviously yes, but it's not always easy to bridge the gap between broad spiritual concepts and tangible everyday things. Ordinary things are sacred too and being ordinary makes them no less special. That same Earth essence living in the lush green forest also lives in all the simple objects we see and touch every day. So, perhaps you can find an aspect of the Earth on the streets you travel each day, even if those streets are filled with busy traffic. Perhaps you can find an aspect of the Earth within your home-town, your neighborhood, your home, your own bed. If you see a bit of the Earth's Spirit in all things around you, then you can revere and worship the Earth in a much more personal way, more face-to-face, more one-on-one.

Earth worshipers often hold special reverence for natural settings, the woods, the beach, the mountains. But are things made by humans any less Earthly? We too are part of the Earth, not something separate. We are linked to it, part of the same whole, and therefore so are the things we build. We make things because it is our nature to do so, like a forest makes trees and like trees make leaves. So, while you may discover the mysteries of nature by watching a river flow, you can also find a few lessons by watching a railroad. Can the hot and cold knobs of your faucet help you understand balance between opposites? Can pondering your electrical outlets give you new sources of energy? Can the telephone help you feel how all things link together? Can washing and waxing your floor teach you anything about cleansing and protecting yourself from negativity?

Perhaps "worship" is not always the right word for every situation. But you can certainly relate to and talk with every person, place and thing you encounter in a very special way! Have an old comfortable chair? When was the last time you told it just how much you appreciate it? Perhaps an "offering" of polish or oil for its wood would be greatly appreciated, like a back-rub for any hard-working friend! Do you have a special place where children love to play, like a park, a field, a sandbox, a porch? Try thanking this special piece of the Earth for the happiness it brings; ask it to continue providing its safe guardianship over our little loved ones. Even thanking your parking space counts. This does not include asking for a parking space when you need one, but saying thank you before you leave one. (There's a big difference between saying please -- and saying thank you!)

Not only can Earth worshipers narrow their focus to recognize ordinary things, but we can also widen it too. Earth is but one of several planets orbiting a single star. Do all the planets have Spirit the way the Earth does? Are they part of nature too? Some say that stones and boulders and rocks are alive. What greater boulder could you find than one of our planets? Does our Solar System, this Coven of planets orbiting the Sun, have some type of collective Spirit? (Can this help explain astrology?) Our star, like the small bonfire burning gently in the center of our Circle, sends its warmth and light all about. A Circle of planets dance round its flame, singing and chanting their special songs. But it is only an average star, one of many stars in an average galaxy, one of many galaxies within a very, very big universe.

So, if we are part of a vast universe, is my Earth religion somewhat self-centered? Maybe, maybe not. It depends on whether you recognize just how vast nature really is. It is only natural that we hold most dear our "immediate family" of the Earth. Hopefully, we still recognize that we are part of a much larger family, a community of all things, reaching out from across our kitchen table or across the galaxy, tightly and joyously hand-in-hand. In this way, worshipping the Earth becomes a key that unlocks our relationship to all things, whether vast or very small and simple.

Article by Link (Anthony)

Copyright held by (Link) Anthony

Friday, January 6, 2012

Please Stop Obsessing About Animal Cruelty

STOP Eating Animals

Chris is a very dear friend that I met through Facebook. We have a very similar thinking and I enjoy reading his posts. Once he wrote something that I would like to share with you here. 
Thank you Chris for the permission to re-post this in my tiny humble blog ♥
I hope you will soon start your own blog - it is a pity your works get lost on Facebook, besides Facebook's questionable copyright policy on things posted there. 

So Ladies and Gentleman: 

Please Stop Obsessing About Animal Cruelty

If you're interested, I have a few tips on how to keep your sanity & be happier than you might be. I'm not naming names, but there are a lot of people who need it. First, stop obsessing about animal cruelty. It only serves to anger you. Do you think if you skip a day, you'll forget it exists? There are many pages (that I no longer visit) that are almost entirely composed of cruelty videos & pics. Like Wayne Dyer says, "Being informed is fine, but not being inundated." And I can't recall who he quotes (Einstein, maybe), but "No one ever discovered the Law of Floatation by studying why things sink."

What you focus on expands. Stop putting all your energy into things that anger you! There are 2 main reasons I only post a few cruelty videos or pics per month: 1) Every time I look at 1, I'm so angry, I want to break something & 2) Omnivores stay away from the pages of vegans who have a non-stop barrage of cruelty. My page is a wake-up call for them; other pages are avoided by them because no one wants to be constantly told what horrible people they are & if you'll notice, the angry vegans' pages contain comments primarily by other angry vegans. No happy person wants to read all that anger.

I've also noticed that the angry vegans (most of whom I've deleted because while I respect their pain, their overall energy is a downer) are angry about many other things: implants, raw vegans, 80/10/10, you name it. Of all the negative, hateful comments I've ever seen on FB, easily 99% are by vegans. You are representing the movement & as I've said before, the ONLY thing that matters is CONVERSION. If you aren't persuading people to change, you're wasting your time (& VERY few people are converted by being called corpsemunchers).

Venting is a complete waste of energy. It's what people do who don't know how to channel rage productively. Next, when you encounter 1 of these people, like 1 angry person on last night's status, the solution is to engage them briefly & if they persist, say goodbye. Period. Whenever I read negative, hateful comments on other people's pages, I just avoid the page & focus on something more positive. I still have veganazis & vegan police go off on me & what? Let them stew in their negativity.

As for converting people, here's the biggest lesson of all: if someone is stubborn, MOVE ON! Do you realize there are literally tens of millions of people who are completely ignorant of their impact on health, animals & the environment? ALL your time should be spent getting the word out instead of arguing with people. I know many of you don't believe in the law of attraction or anything you can't explain, but it works. I've consciously meditated on love, abundance, positive change & compassion & look what's happened...I have a very clear path in life, have manifested my soulmate & have more amazing people flowing into my life than I know what to do with!

Take notice of how your body FEELS. Go to an angry vegan's page, read all the rage & bitterness & your stomach should be in knots. Then read comments by well, more people than I can list here. You should feel elated. Now seriously, who in her right mind chooses to feel like the former?! Last message I've mentioned many times: STOP with the infighting already! We are like freaking crabs in a bucket. Tearing down is what bitter, unenlightened people do instead of inspiring, educating & supporting.

I'm so grateful I've met so many truly amazing people, but most of us sane vegans are positively ashamed of the angry ones. We have to work extra hard to counter all their negativity & what they don't realize is by converting very few people, they're actually doing damage to the very animals they're trying to save. Look at it this way: you have several hundred or thousand friends. Why do you need negative, bitter, angry, devisive people in your life? Here's my suggestion: relish in the amazing people in your life & simply remove the negative ones. Life's too short not to be happy.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Obituary of Common Sense

Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. 
No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.

He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:
  • Knowing when to come in out of the rain; 
  • Why the early bird gets the worm, 
  • Life isn't always fair, 
  • And maybe it was my fault. 
Common sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults are in charge not children).

His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of an 8 year old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate, teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch, and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.

Common sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children. It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer sun lotion or an aspirin to a student, but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.

Common sense lost the will to live as the churches became businesses, and criminals received better treatment than their victims,

Common sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault.

Common sense finally gave up the will to live, after a women failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.

Common sense was preceded in death, by 
  • His parents, truth and trust
  • His wife, discretion
  • His daughter, Responsibility
  • His son, reason.

He is survived by his 4 stepbrothers
  • I know my rights
  • I want my rights
  • I want it now
  • I’m a victim.

Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone. If you still remember him, pass this on if not, join the majority and do nothing.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Watch: Change For A Dollar

Welcome 2012! 
Everybody expects you with great anticipation!
Nobody really knows what will happen, is it the end or the beginning. 
Or just another year... 

And what shall I say - do we actually care?

Do we really depend on what other predict us?
Time is no definite thing, it is three dimensional, moves forwards, backwards, sideways. If someone tells you your future, you only know what CAN happen, but now you got the chance to work on it and maybe change something.
This is why I keep saying "be the change", because we can change things. Try it and you will see. In your own life and around you.

Do something good everyday. Make someone smile, every day. Help others. Be the change.

This nice short-film teaches us that however bad our situation is, we can always find people that are in a worse situation. And there is always something we can do for them, share with them.

Have a good start into 2012 and make the best of it!
You are the master of your destiny! No one else!

Video credit: written and directed by Sharon Wright